Howe Farm Family Session | Port Orchard Family Photographer

I love working with friends. The sessions are so relaxed and you don't have to "break the ice" with the kids. Especially these kids. Big brother's biggest concern was that I was going to steal is wallet (which actually only contained one Pokemon card), big sister was amazed that my reflector could give her sparkly princess eyes and baby sister was just happy to be there. 

The fall colors at Howe Farm in Port Orchard didn't disappoint either. I mean, that yellow tree. Come on! 

Family Session at Scenic Beach State Park | Bremerton Family Photographer

I photographed this sweet family over the summer down at Fountain Park. This time, we got back together for a cozy fall session at Scenic Beach. 

I love getting to work with friends. They are so natural in front of the camera and with these two cute boys - extra cuddly! 

We took our time, letting big brother splash in the water and look for crabs. Scenic Beach State Park in Seabeck, WA is a little boy's paradise and a photographer's dream location.

Thank your R&S for spending the afternoon letting me chase you around with my camera. The love for your boys is apparent in every hug and giggle! - Ashleigh 

Family Session at Kitsap Lake in Bremerton, WA

Every time I get to photograph this family, I get excited. Evie never disappoints and her parents are pretty well behaved too ;) 

We spent a beautiful Sunday afternoon by the water at Kitsap Lake Park. I love this park because it's so diverse. Rustic lawns, willow trees, water... it's just beautiful! 

Featured Image! | Bremerton, WA Baby Photographer

One of Landon's favorite things to do is to try to drink from a cup. He always practices in the bathtub and in his kiddie pool. One day, he was splashing around in the pool and I had just got a new lens so I was snapping away. When I caught this moment, my heart skipped a beat. This picture is so Landon.


I submitted it to Life + Lens Blog's "Summer" competition and this image was selected for the top 10! I literally did a happy dance. I spend so much time behind my computer fretting over pictures so it feels AMAZING to have some praise from a third party. 


Mommy & Me | Family Photography | Bremerton, WA

 I love Mommy and Me sessions because mom is usually behind the camera. There is just something magical about watching a mom play with her children. Their little eyes light up and hearing giggles... sigh. Childhood is so fleeting. 

You might recognize this family from their maternity family session last fall. I was so happy they came back for a Mommy & Me Session. 

Mom picked the location - a local park with amazing views if you're willing to drive a zig-zag road down to the water. I must say, it was quiet worth it! As soon as I made it to the parking lot, I spotted this little patch of grass where the sun was sparkling through the trees. After we spent a few minutes making wishes in the grass, we headed toward the water to see "the powerful waves." The tide was too high to go down to the water which was a bummer because we couldn't walk around the bend to see Mt. Rainier. The girls did have fun climbing on the rails of the pier. Little Miss A was so careful to put her clip on her dress for safe keeping and was devastated  when her clip fell off her dress into the water. Poor little thing was so upset. After A and her mom had a moment to discuss the fish with a beautiful clip on her head, A was back to her crazy self in no time. Don't you just love 4 year olds? 

Thank you for allowing me to be your family and maternity photographer in Bremerton, WA.

If you’re interested in Bremerton area family photography, please contact me as soon as you can. I'm currently booking through July 2015 for portrait sessions of all kinds. Leave a comment below if you enjoyed the photos!

Little Miss A | Newborns | Bremerton Newborn Photographer

I spent my morning with one wide awake little girl. She finally gave in after nursing, cuddling with momma and the wool basket. Here are a few of my favorites from her newborn session. 

Newborns are the best clients during their first two weeks of life. Let's talk about getting your session scheduled today!