Baby at the Beach | Folly Beach, South Carolina

This particular morning at Folly Beach was pretty amazing. It was overcast which gave the beach a smooth, pastel look. Baby P was a trooper despite cutting several teeth and she really came out of her shell once we let her enjoy some freedom. Eating sand and crawling all over the beach - a perfect morning for this sweet thing. 

Want to book a beach session for your little? Don't wait! They're only this little once. Email me: so we can start planning! 

Summer Sitter Session | West Ashley Milestone & Baby Photographer

A new house in a new city calls for some new pictures! I met up with baby L and his momma in (get this!) our neighborhood for a quick milestone session. 

James Island Milestone Session | James Island Co Park | Charleston Baby Photographer

The thunder rolled in the distance as we quickly took a few pictures. Within about 5 minutes the skies grew dark and we ran to our cars. Lucky for me (and his momma!) this little guy was all smiles!

First Look | Charleston Milestone Photographer | James Island Photographer

First Look | West Ashley Child Photographer | Charleston, SC

I love chatting with moms about their birth stories while I shoot. You would never know this guy had a tough start. He was full of giggles (sisters are really funny) and delicious baby rolls.

Breastfeeding Session at Kitsap Lake Park | Bremerton, WA

Remember Oliver from his 6 month milestone pictures? Yep, he is a cutie and his parents are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. We always bond over our love for the South - sweet tea and Chick-fil-a. Bremerton, you seriously don't know what you're missing out on. 

We spent an evening at Kitsap Lake Park in Bremerton (it's quickly becoming a favorite) with the most amazing sunlight. Check out some of my favorites from this session and read what Jessica has to say about motherhood and breastfeeding. 


"From birth, Oliver was an expert at breastfeeding. He latched our first try - even with mommy out of it from her spinal! Even in the haze, I will never forget that success."


"Take advice and criticism from everybody with a grain of salt - follow your instincts. Remember all babies are different and the fact that you DO care shows that you are a WONDERFUL mother and only want the best for your baby." 


"My favorite part of being a mom is seeing my son's smiling, happy face whenever I come into the room. Even on my worst day, I know he can cheer me up." 


"I can only hope that we give Oliver every chance in the world to be the best he can be. I hope that through us, his parents, he will know the possibilities are endless and that we will always have his back." 


Miss E | 6 Month Milestone Session | Bremerton, WA

I've had the honor of photographing this gal several times! I'm good friends with her mommy so I first did her maternity session, then her newborn session and now a 6 month milestone session. Isn't she to die for? 

Mr. C | Milestone | Kitsap Baby Photographer

This little guy was a dream. He loved to look at my camera and eat the fur rug. Man, did he think that was funny! I love his wild hair - I'm pretty sure it was growing in a hundred different directions. 

Thank you for allowing me to be your child photographer in Bremerton, WA.

If you’re interested in Bremerton area baby or family photography, please contact me as soon as you can. I'm currently booking through June 2014 for portrait sessions of all kinds. Leave a comment below if you enjoyed the photos!