Quarantine Week 4 | Kailua Family Photograher

Y’all! I’ve been sitting on these pictures of Rhett for a few days and they are possibly my favorite pictures ever. I usually check on the boys before I go to bed. When I saw this scene, I had to grab my camera.

Mimi sent us some pirate booty so we had a little pirate hunt. Turns out, Landon can’t read a map to save his life and both boys are blind as bats. I eventually just had to point out the treasure because the bottom dropped out. Luckily, dad ran down the hill to get the car to rescue us.

Our coconut tree is starting to drop some small coconuts. The boys love collecting them, peeling the top off (not sure why) and then trying to break them open. These will get much bigger, but a guy will come, climb the tree and cut them down.

Another week down. We’ve been mostly housebound for over a month now and we are starting to get really antsy. My house is always a disaster and it’s so hot inside. Hopefully we are in the home stretch.