Quarantine Week 3 | Kailua Family Photographer

Does anyone else feel like they have a routine? I just can’t get there. Online schooling is great because it’s so flexible, but I definitely like the structure the school year provides. I tell myself I’m going to workout, shower and put on real clothes while also making sure Landon gets his work done. The reality is that I move at a snail’s pace all morning, get my workout in and then stay in my gross clothes until after the boys go to bed and I can finally shower. Oh well, maybe we will get it down next week. Maybe.

Rhett is enjoying not having my full attention during the day. I caught him eating chips out of the pantry.

On Thursday, we did a family zoom call/ Passover Seder. I realized that Landon didn’t know much about Judaism so we took some time to watch kid’s YouTube videos explaining passover.

Saturday was my birthday. My in-laws were supposed to be in town and we were supposed to have a kids free weekend in Waikiki attending the Submarine Birthday Ball. However, those plans obviously had to change and we settled for a walk on the beach and carry-out steak (plus a bottle of wine) for dinner. It was still a sweet birthday.

Easter Sunday sort of snuck up on me so we didn’t have cute clothes or even take a family picture. The boys loved their baskets and egg hunt, so it was still a successful day spent together.
